Clean Energy Projects Announced

In all a total of 120 projects have been short-listed globally from which 43 projects will be supported. REEEP received a large number of high quality proposals and the steering committees in all the regions had a difficult task of arriving at the short-lists.
REEEP supports and augments the needs of its Partners and Donors in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors through financial funding. Since its establishment as an NGO in 2004, REEEP has supported more than 100 projects due to the gracious funding from the Governments of the United Kingdom, Norway, Ireland, Italy, and New Zealand.
The 7th programme cycle is REEEP’s largest in its five year history with more than 4.3 million Euro available for projects in least developed countries and emerging market economies.
The REEEP call is an open tender process seeking projects from priority countries - Brazil, China, India and South Africa and from across the developing world. REEEP will build on its experience gained over the last five years with a bottom-up approach to defining priorities and selecting projects.
Notifications will be sent to all selected projects before mid-January through the Programme Management Information System (PMIS) and the short-listed projects will be invited to submit full proposals by 20th February 2009.
REEEP continues to accept proposals from Governments and DFIs and also proposals for replication and scale-up from past projects, these can also be submitted upto 20th of February.
A list of all shortlisted projects, grouped by region is available here.
An interactive map of on-going and completed REEEP Projects is available here.
More information on REEEP, its programs and policies is available here.
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