Klean not only produces its own commodities which it sells on the open market, but it also offers a brokering service for companies and customers who need help selling their commodity products. We are a focal point for many companies in the alternative fuels and energy industries. We have a very large network of suppliers, producers, and buyers to satisfy all of your buying and selling needs. Through these partnerships, we can do our part in providing a cleaner and greener world.
Klean operates and has large-scale industrial partners around the globe which helps it maintain a massive commodity network of feedstock suppliers and partners with some of the largest end-users on the planet.
As of 2010 we also operate the world’s first e-procurement commodity sales portal called www.KleanCommodities.com which is your new one-stop-shop source for high-grade sustainable commodities specifically recovered fuel oils and high-grade carbon blacks. Klean Carbon works in cooperation with Klean Industries to produce and sell high-grade commodities at some of the world’s lowest prices which feature substantially lower carbon intensity when compared to conventional production methods.We provide customers with:
We also offer procurement & sales services for:
We offer our customers and partners instant commodity liquidity – even on a forward sales basis. Our products are ecologically sound, available globally, and are produced at the highest regulatory standards.
We produce safe and secure domestic sources of commodities that are environmentally superior and fit today’s existing supply chains. These sustainable commodities are ideally suited for large energy users and industrial product manufacturers.
We support our client’s through our quoting and project development by providing a wealth of information and specifications about Klean Industries systems and technologies.