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Equipment Quotations

Detailed, Finance-Ready Plant Quotations

  • Complete Financial Model
  • Turn-key DBC / EPC & BOP
  • Permitting Advice
  • Avoid start-up mistakes


Sustainable Resouces

Products & Services

  • Recovered Fuel Oils (rFO), Alternative Renewable Diesel
  • Recovered Carbon Blacks (rCB), Nano Carbons
  • Forward Sales Contracts for rCB & rFO
  • Consultations & Industry Specific Reports

Recovering Value from Waste

Klean Industries is an international company focused on applying best-of-class technologies that provide industrial symbiosis between energy, waste, and resources in a commercially viable and environmentally responsible manner.

Our primary focus is the recovery of resources found in hydrocarbon-containing waste streams such as end-of-life tires, end-of-life plastics, and municipal solid waste.

Klean Industries is the link between the low carbon, circular economy, and the goal of zero waste to landfill.

What We Do

Resource Recovery & Waste to Energy Solutions

We are leaders and innovators in the design, engineering, manufacturing, and installation of advanced thermal treatment facilities. Our projects encompass unique intellectual properties and superior process know-how used to recover clean energy and valuable resources from petroleum-based waste.

What We Provide

Providing Expertise & Technologies for Turn-Key Solutions

We provide consultations, technology design solutions including engineering, procurement, and construction activities for specific projects. As project developers ourselves we possess significant market intelligence you won't find anywhere else. Unlike other technology vendors, we provide our technologies with full performance guarantees and in-house project financing.

How We Work

Proven Track Record. Proven Operating Assets. Proven Economically.

We have refined a three-step process that provides the necessary due diligence for any successful installation of our technologies which includes a detailed quotation, feasibility study to leave no surprises in the project development process. Klean also provides commodity sales services that guarantee each plant has all its output contracted on a long-term basis before the project is even built, that's innovative, cost-effective, and built on decades of experience and success.

Other Services

Independent Project Studies, Technical Due Diligence & Advisory Services

We often conduct independent technical reviews for a multitude of projects around the globe. Working with stakeholders we analyze and brainstorm all possible scenarios, to determine the capital and operating costs of projects. In ensuring that projects are viable, we also perform a life-cycle analysis that includes long-term financing costs, depreciation, and tax effects for both investors and project developers alike.

  • “We do appreciate everything that Klean did for us during the initiative and we’re grateful for your perseverance, expertise, and patience during the project’s tenure, the quality of Klean pyrolysis’s equipment is second to none. Maintenance costs are lower than expected and after nearly a decade, the plant output quality and run time are extraordinary. The KleanTeam’s continued support is invaluable. Thanks again for everything.”

    -Kazuteru Shinohara, FE

  • “It’s been a pleasure for the team to study your solution and we feel Klean has all the right ingredients needed for a successful execution of the project in Boardman as well as the others in the pipeline. All the best and let me know if further help is needed from our side!”

    -Olli Uusitalo, Sweco Group

  • “Working with Klean has enabled us with the ability to develop projects in countries which were otherwise difficult to deal with. Klean’s professional service, competitive solutions, and efficient handling of the entire engineering process has provided us with a competitive advantage in our project development lifecycle.”

    -Hermann Niehues, Rethmann Group

  • “I was quite skeptical at hiring a firm from outside of Europe…your performance in this solicitation effort has exceeded our expectations and your recent expert witness testimony (when this effort was challenged) was virtually flawless and possibly the pivotal evidence, this competitive bidding process should save the Authority approximately $2,200,000 over the next five years.”

    -Hermann Scheer, German MP-WCRE

  • “Congratulations to you and your team, great stuff, brilliantly researched, well written, and informative. I’ve learned so much from reading the full report and am proud to be a part of it.”

    -Confidential Customer, Australia

  • “Klean is a professional organization that continually examines complex issues through a financial, technical, environmental, and social standpoint that provides the customer with a plan that adds value to the initial concept and prevents problems before they ever occur.”

    -Ray Morris, Sunpower Group

  • “Klean’s support has allowed us to penetrate markets which were otherwise unavailable to us.”

    -Matt Jefferies, RWE Group

  • “We regret not following your advice on doing the initial Detailed Equipment Quotation followed by the Detailed Feasibility Study process. We wasted 2 years chasing other equipment providers only to get the run-around and almost lost our investors. Time is money and we are so glad we came back to Klean, should have done it sooner. The KleanTeam is a breath of fresh air and understands what it takes to make projects a reality, all I can say is…WOW!”

    -Confidential Customer, USA

  • “I know I can speak for the Trustees in saying that Klean Industries has been of enormous assistance to us. The firm has guided us and the two jurisdictions’ solid waste operations through some challenging times. The Trustees have no hesitation in recommending Klean Industries Inc.”

    -City of Vaughan, ETD

  • “We have had nothing but flawless service. We are extremely grateful for your ongoing support and that is reflected by our investor confidence. This has helped us achieve funding to build a second project using Klean as the primary equipment supplier. Amazing work, thank you so much. You can count us as a satisfied customer.”

    -Confidential Customer, USA

  • “The survey [Klean’s 2006 European studies for the volume of tyres and ASR material generated annually] was incredibly helpful and will be part of the next 2010-2012 Landfill Policy. We also want to thank you for your excellent work in setting up and arranging for our team to visit and tour multiple commercial plants in operation which clearly illustrates the commercial viability of energy from waste plants being used on a large-scale basis for scrap tyres and ASR. Many thanks.”

    -Ragn Sells & NTRA

  • “We were very pleased with the work product provided by Klean through our Solid Waste Export Plan – Third Party Review. I think the European audience generally felt that the work was thought-provoking and insightful, reflecting a deep understanding of the dynamics of the solid waste management field.”

    -Andjelka Mihajlov, Environment Minister

  • “In a fast-tracked procurement process, Klean brought invaluable insights to our tire pyrolysis project. Without your key technology and sales channels for upgrading the recovered carbon black, we would have gone bankrupt, thank you for saving us.”

    -Patrick Modinar, KGL

End-of-Life Tire Solutions

Industry-leading tire pyrolysis technology that recovers the highest value carbon black replacements and biofuel. 

End-of-Life Plastic Solutions

Our best-in-class plastic pyrolysis technology solution converts all grades of waste plastics into fuels, chemicals, and hydrogen.

Municipal Solid Waste Solutions

Waste to energy technologies for recovering valuable resources, electricity, hydrogen, and e-fuels from unsorted household waste.

Digitization & Tokenization of Waste

Using Blockchain technology to transform the waste and energy sectors; enhancing transparency with real-time industry data.