When Klean Industries performs the design and engineering for a project, we carefully research and select the appropriate equipment and meticulously design our projects as if we were designing and constructing our own facility using our own funds. We thus incorporate into the design only those features that we would be willing to purchase ourselves. This translates into a high level of project quality, integrity, and consistency.
Our project execution strategy is to assign a team of highly trained engineers from each engineering discipline to the project, under the leadership of a project manager. Klean Industries is committed to the project management concept where an individual with comprehensive and broad experience in processing technology is assigned the responsibility for providing the overall direction of the project. Our project managers have many years of experience in the design, engineering, construction, and start-up of all types of plant equipment, including boilers, solid fuel, waste-handling systems, ash-handling systems, turbine generators, and related equipment.
Within our specialized teams, internal and outside partners, we have access to registered professional engineers in Architectural, Civil/Structural, Chemical, Electrical, Instrumentation & Controls, and Mechanical engineering. This is a major benefit for our customers’ projects because all our design engineering is done under close supervision, including every aspect of the project, from site work to final emissions compliance measuring equipment. We also use the same engineers who design the systems to perform their initial start-up and operation. This ensures design sensitivity to the needs of operating and maintenance personnel including items such as maintenance access or the location of control valves, transmitters, or other access-critical components.
During detailed design, regular communication will be maintained with the customer’s representatives. This will assure the customer of continued involvement in the design process and that specific plant and corporate requirements are being included. Thanks to more than 30 years of experience in the design and construction of facilities, the Klean Team can identify crucial project specifications that ultimately have a major impact on performance, reliability, and maintainability.
Detailed design activities typically include: | |
If you have a project in mind and need more information, please contact us » GO.
We support our client’s through our quoting and project development by providing a wealth of information and specifications about Klean Industries systems and technologies.