Tire Recycling Foundation Created by the TIA and USTMA

The Tire Industry Association (TIA) and the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA) have announced the formation of the Tire Recycling Foundation, a collaborative initiative aimed at fostering sustainable and circular market solutions for end-of-life tyres

The unveiling of the Tire Recycling Foundation took place at the 2024 OTR Tire Conference, where John Sheerin, Director of End-of-Life Tire Programs at USTMA, joined Dick Gust, CEO of TIA, on stage to introduce this groundbreaking initiative.

John Sheerin, speaking at the podium, emphasized the Foundation’s mission to expand sustainable and circular market solutions for scrap tyres through research, development of innovative technologies, and enhanced collaboration across the tire value chain.

TIA and USTMA have united to establish the Tire Recycling Foundation,” stated John Sheerin.

The formation of the Tire Recycling Foundation stems from extensive industry consultations, including a three-day listening session organized by the Tire Industry Project in 2021. The Foundation’s Board of Directors, comprising representatives from tyre manufacturers, distributors, retailers, collectors, recyclers, and tyre-derived product producers, will convene for its inaugural meeting in March 2024.

Dick Gust explained the pivotal role of the Foundation in navigating evolving regulatory landscapes and advancing sustainable practices across the tyre industry.

“As tyre retailers, dealers, retreaters, and recyclers, you are at the forefront of managing end-of-life tyres,” said Dick Gust. “

Central to the Foundation’s goal is the ambition to achieve 100 percent recycling of end-of-life tyres in sustainable markets. Through strategic partnerships, fundraising initiatives, and targeted interventions, the Foundation aims to catalyze the transition toward a profitable and self-sustaining tire recycling ecosystem.

The launch of the Tire Recycling Foundation marks a significant milestone in the tyre industry’s journey towards sustainability and underscores TIA and USTMA’s unwavering commitment to driving positive impact.

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