Report: "Reducing U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: How Much at What Cost?"

The McKinsey and Company report “Reducing U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: How Much at What Cost?” really drives home the need for comprehensive national action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and an end to fragmented policies. Looking at over 200 abatement strategies, the report paints the clearest and most compelling picture to date of how no one single policy alone can be deemed the solution to the climate crisis. The report demonstrates that we need a rapidly enacted slate of efficiency measures across buildings, electricity generation, transmission and distribution, and transportation; a regulatory environment with a price on carbon that creates enough incentives to actually change consumer behavior; and predictable, long-term incentives for investment in renewables. This ‘silver buckshot’ approach at the national is the only way to make a major impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and unlock the real long-term economic opportunities inherent in shifting to a clean-energy economy.

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