Pyrum makes Progress on TAD 2 and 3 commissioning at Dillingen/Saar Site

Dillingen/Saar, 28 August 2024 – Pascal Klein, CEO of Pyrum Innovations AG: “Both systems are running so well that we are now focussing on the 100% performance test of TAD 2 and TAD 3. We are very satisfied and proud of our entire team, which is doing an exceptional job. We have learned a lot over the last eight months so that we can look to the future with confidence and better plan and therefore shorten future start-ups. At this point, it is important to mention once again that during the commissioning of this kind, all system components are gradually pushed to their limits before they run at 100% together. This ensures the safety of our employees and our systems. It is not unusual for short periods of smoke, vapor, and odors to occur. The incidents that have occurred in this context so far, which can usually occur during the commissioning of an industrial plant, have all been harmless and have proven the correct functioning of our safety systems.”


Pyrum’s main plant in Dillingen/Saar. | Photo by Pyrum Innovations AG

Press release by Pyrum Innovations AG.

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