New Cars Will Now Reduce Your Engine Power If You Are Over-Speeding

Starting from July 7, 2024, all new cars sold in Europe must include Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) systems, which automatically limit vehicle speeds to match legal limits using GPS and cameras. While not mandated in the UK yet, most UK models are expected to adopt this technology. The system alerts drivers to slow down and can reduce engine power if limits are exceeded. The EU aims to reduce accidents and fatalities with ISA, though concerns about driver control and tech reliability persist. Despite potential benefits like improved safety and fuel efficiency, debate continues over whether the UK will adopt similar laws post-election.

As reported by DailyMail, starting July 07,2024, all new automobiles sold in Europe must have speed limiters installed, and UK models are set to follow suit.

As part of an EU safety regulatory mandate, new automobiles must include Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) devices as standard by Sunday, July 7, 2024.

While the same law does not apply in the UK, most vehicles sold there will eventually have the same speed-limiting equipment fitted by the manufacturer.

How does Intelligent Speed Assistance work?

Simply put, Intelligent Speed Assistance technology can automatically reduce a vehicle’s speed.

It combines GPS data, satellite navigation, speed-sign recognition cameras, and forward-facing cameras to establish the speed limit at any given time and whether the vehicle is over it.

If the car exceeds the speed limit, the system can eventually lower engine power until the legal speed is reached.

For example, if you’re driving on the M1, ISA technology can limit you to a maximum speed of 70 mph.

Before the technology intervenes to reduce a vehicle’s speed, drivers are first told to slow down.

When the limit is exceeded, the vehicle will display a visual notice on the instrument cluster or screen, emit a short auditory warning, or vibrate the steering wheel gently. Manufacturers can use any of these, or all three.

If the driver ignores the alerts, the technology automatically slows the automobile by reducing engine power – but never applies the brakes.

Why the EU has mandated Intelligent Speed Assistance

In 2019, the European Parliament agreed to mandate ISA technology to fight excessive traffic collisions and injuries on the continent’s roadways.

The European Transport Safety Council supported the technology based on assertions that ISA may cut traffic crashes by 30% and injuries by 20% as part of a larger goal of eliminating road deaths by 2050.

Starting July 6, 2022, every new model released to the market for the first time must include the technology, according to EU rules.

However, from July 7, 2024, all new vehicles in dealerships must be retrofitted with ISA.

This means that manufacturers will have to install the technology on some older cars, such as the Volkswagen Touran, which has been on sale in its current iteration since 2015.

Will the UK Government mandate speed limiters? 

There’s no denying that speeding is a major cause of fatalities on UK roads.

According to the most recent road casualty figures, 1,766 persons died on UK roads in 2022 (1,711 in Britain and 55 in Northern Ireland), representing a 10% rise from the previous year.

Drivers exceeded speed limits in nearly a fifth (19.7 percent) of fatal collisions on British roadways.

Despite these statistics and the EU’s new standards, the UK government presently has no plans to enforce speed-limiting technology in the country.

The Department for Transport said it would not implement the same regulation on Sunday, July 7, 2024, but it may be examined following the general election.

A representative from the DfT told This is Money: The Intelligent Speed Assistance laws, which go into force in July, only apply to the EU and Northern Ireland, not Great Britain.

‘We are constantly carrying out research into how transport users across all modes can benefit from the latest technology, ensuring journeys are safe, reliable, and cut emissions.’

Even without a mandate, expect new models sold in Britain to have speed limiters

While ISA is not required for UK models, there is a good chance that a new model you test drive at a dealership will have one fitted.

Volvo has begun installing speed limiters on all new cars sold in the UK since the beginning of 2020, limiting them to speeds of no more than 112 mph.

Since 2022, the technology has been incorporated into all new Renault and Dacia cars.

Many other car manufacturers, including popular brands like Citroen, Ford, Honda, Hyundai, Kia, Jaguar, Peugeot, and Vauxhall, are factory-installing ISA in some, if not all, of their models.

The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, which represents UK auto manufacturers, informed us that, while manufacturers will be forced to equip new vehicles sold in the EU with ISA, it is up to each brand to do so for GB-bound motors.

Mike Hawes, CEO of the SMMT, stated, ‘Safety is the number one priority for car makers and, while the UK already has some of the world’s safest roads, the sector is always working to improve safety still further by developing and deploying new safety technologies.’

Regardless of the SMMT’s stance, motorist groups and road safety charities commonly anticipate manufacturers to offer cars in Britain with speed-limiting devices.

According to Jack Cousens, head of roads policy at the AA, even though ISA is not essential in the UK, many new cars will be sold with this technology.

RAC road safety spokeswoman Rod Dennis added that he would be ‘surprised if manufacturers purposefully removed the technology from vehicles they sell in the UK as it would add the needless expense to production’.

Dennis added: ‘Anyone getting a new vehicle would be well advised to familiarise themselves with ISA and how it works.’

Neil Greig, policy advisor at major road safety charity and campaigner IAM RoadSmart, also responded. He told This is Money: ‘The EU need for Intelligent Speed Assistance will almost definitely be incorporated into most new automobiles sold in the UK.’

Greig added: ‘We would urge whoever forms the next UK government to adopt the same safety regulations as the rest of Europe quickly to avoid consumer confusion and provide car makers with certainty.’

Can Intelligent Speed Assistance be overridden?

When activated, ISA can be temporarily overridden.

To do so, the driver must push hard enough on the accelerator pedal to disengage the system, such as while attempting to overtake a slower-moving car.

The system should allow the car to exceed the legal speed limit for a limited period before the notifications reactivate.

Can Intelligent Speed Assistance be turned off? 

Under EU regulations, ISA can also be switched off. But not permanently.

The technology will activate automatically whenever the engine is started, so drivers will need to turn it off before embarking on each excursion.

The difficulty of deactivating the mechanism varies depending on the car brand.

Renaults, for example, have a button on the steering wheel that, when held down, disables the system.

However, with other manufacturers’ vehicles, drivers may need to browse through the options menu in an infotainment system to disable the feature each time they enter the vehicle.

What are the benefits of Intelligent Speed Assistance?

The clear advantage of ISA is that it is projected to save lives.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every 1% increase in speed leads to 4% more fatal crashes and 3% more serious crash risk.

Drivers are less likely to mistakenly exceed the current speed limit and cause a collision when the speed is automatically adjusted to it.

And, in principle, it will shorten journey times: if ISA can reduce the amount of crashes, it will also lower the number of traffic bottlenecks that result.

There may also be financial benefits for drivers.

Faster driving consumes more fuel and produces more emissions, but by limiting a driver’s speed, cars become more efficient and less polluting, improving overall air quality in big cities and lowering motorists’ gasoline expenses.

The concerns about Intelligent Speed Assistance

Unfortunately, the technology raises a few worries for drivers, ranging from the degree of control they will have over their vehicles to the system’s reliability.

While the European Commission claims that it may be ‘smoothly overturned’, drivers can now only veto the ISA system by depressing the accelerator pedal harder.

It raises questions about the driver’s and technology’s reaction during an emergency.

Another potential drawback is that ISA may force motorists to become more dependent on technology and less attentive to their surroundings, which could pose problems if a driver operates a car that does not have this technology.

The AA’s Jack Cousens said: ‘Drivers may see this as a helpful tool to remind them of the speed limit, but we should remember that the best way to regulate speed is through the driver’s right foot.’

There is also significant concern about the dependability of traffic sign recognition technology, particularly after recent reports.

Speed sign recognition cameras are not perfect, and they can make mistakes when reading signs that are worn, damaged, or obscured by overgrown trees and bushes.

A recent poll of 2,000 UK drivers indicated that more than half (53%) are routinely unable to read traffic signs due to overgrown greenery.

The driving organization cautioned that road users are being put in ‘severe danger’ and urged transport officials to ensure that warnings are visible.

The Local Government Association, which represents councils in England and Wales, stated that due to limited finances, road crews are not always able to prioritize pruning down greenery surrounding road signage.

In addition to obstructed, faded, and damaged signage, there are extensive lengths of B-roads without any signs for kilometers.

There may also be issues with the technology’s ability to function in data-blackout locations.

A GPS signal can be difficult to receive in rural areas of the UK, so some critical steps must be taken to guarantee that the technology behind ISA is fully accessible.

ADAC, a German automotive vehicle assessment specialist, previously tested ISA in a Ford S-Max MPV and discovered that it was approximately 90% correct. However, that was not on UK roads, where the signage and conditions are slightly different.

According to consumer group Which?, ISA has also been shown to be unreliable in many of the vehicles tested with the technology.

Its test team has encountered multiple cases in which a car identified the speed limit as 80mph in 30mph zones, as well as occasions on 70mph dual carriageways where a car wrongly detected the 30mph limit of a nearby road.

The system is also unaware of changing driving conditions, as the AA’s Jack Cousens cautions.

He said: ‘ISA works across all speed limits but is only an assistance tool to help drivers stay within the limit,’ the AA spokesman said.

‘Drivers will still need to be aware of the speed limit, control their own speed, and drive according to the conditions. 

‘Just because you are on a motorway doesn’t mean you should still drive at 70mph if it’s pouring with rain.’

Do drivers want Intelligent Speed Assistance tech?

Admiral questioned 2,000 UK adults in 2022 and discovered that over half (47%) support the new technology being mandated for new cars sold in the UK.

According to its findings, only 18% of those polled are opposed to its adoption, with the remaining panel members (35%) unable to provide a firm answer since they are unfamiliar with what ISA is or does.

The majority of those who supported ISA did so because of its potential improvements to road safety (68%), while a similar amount (64%) thought it would help to eliminate the age-old problem of motorists speeding and endangering others.

Of those who disagree with the EU’s new laws, 57% believe it should not be incorporated into UK law simply because it has been in other European Union member states.

Another 38 percent believe it should be up to motorists to decide how fast they drive.

Nearly a fifth (17%) say speeding is not a problem, despite Admiral pointing out that SP30 speeding convictions are the most common endorsements of all and can increase the cost of a car insurance premium by an average of 29% – and up to 75% in the worst-case scenario.

Mark Gabriel, head of motor products at the insurer, said: “It’s encouraging to see that almost half of people welcome the new ISA technology, with two-thirds wanting to see speeding addressed to improve road safety.”

Recently, GreatGameIndia reported that according to The New York Times, your driving may be secretly scored as auto insurers increasingly monitor driving habits through data collection, impacting both insurance rates and privacy.

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