‘Huge backlog’: Tesla ‘graveyard’ as unsold cars pile up

A viral picture has shone a light on plummeting Tesla sales, as rows of unsold cars have been left to pile up in an electric vehicle ‘graveyard’ in Melbourne.

Around 2000 Teslas arrive at Port Melbourne every month but with sales falling, many have been left to sit and ‘wait for buyers’, according to Peter Anderson, of the Victorian Transport Association.

“All of a sudden we’ve got a huge backlog of Teslas that aren’t moving.”

“Teslas usually come into this country pre-sold. These ones aren’t, they’re sitting here.”

It comes as Tesla sales dropped a further 20 per cent in May after a 44 per cent drop in April, despite recent price cuts in a bid to compete with a growing Chinese EV market.

A brand new Tesla Model Y is now $11,400 cheaper and Elon Musk’s company is not the only automaker cutting prices.

The Peugeot e2008 has been given a massive cut from $63,000 to $39,990. On the lower end of the market, a GWM Ora is down 20 per cent to $35,990.

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