Australian collaboration converts end-of-life tires into sustainable roads with rCB

According to the Roads & Infrastructure Australia magazine, a collaborative project led by Alex Fraser, ecologiQ, and Entyr has resulted in an innovative alternative for asphalt production in Victorian roads. This initiative aims to address the significant issue of end-of-life tires in Australia, with approximately 70 percent of these tires now being recycled.

Alex Fraser, a key player in this venture, developed TyrePave rCB (Recovered Carbon Black), a sustainable alternative to fine ground limestone in asphalt production. By replacing limestone with rCB, carbon emissions in asphalt production can be significantly reduced, reducing reliance on mining natural resources.

The collaboration, which included partners such as Major Road Projects Victoria and Tyre Stewardship Australia (TSA), conducted trials of this sustainable asphalt product on the Pound Road West Upgrade. This project marked the first use of a high-recycled content ‘Green Roads’ asphalt mix containing rCB in a Victorian road. It is estimated that using Green Roads Construction Materials with up to 40 percent recycled content on this project reduced carbon emissions by 291 tons.

The success of this trial opens up opportunities for greater acceptance of sustainable materials in the road construction industry, helping to combat the global challenge of tire waste while improving road durability and sustainability.

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