The Importance of Being Ethical, with Jordan Peterson | Hoover Institution

Recorded on April 20, 2022, as part of a Classical Liberalism Seminar at the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University. By any measure, Dr. Jordan Peterson is the most famous (now former—as is discussed in this interview) Canadian professor of clinical psychology in the world. He’s also a deep thinker and a best-selling author of multiple books and has amassed a huge following through podcasts, YouTube videos, and public speaking. Today, Jordan Peterson is one of the most influential voices in the “anti-woke” movement and this powerful interview demonstrates why.

Uncommon Knowledge

A series hosted by Hoover fellow Peter Robinson as an outlet for political leaders, scholars, and today’s big thinkers to share their views with the world.

For further information please visit Uncommon Knowledge hosted by Hoover fellow Peter Robinson » GO.

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