Sustainability has always been an integrated part of Klean’s corporate policy. It is reflected in the daily work of each Klean employee as well as in the management principles and business processes implemented within the Klean Group.

We at Klean are committed to sustainable development. For Klean, sustainable development encompasses a full set of environmental measures but at the same time goes beyond them. Our strong belief is that only businesses living up to their social, economic, and environmental responsibilities can be sustainable. We also regard sustainability as an important strategic success factor. By offering our customers state-of-the-art technologies and solutions, which are innovative, efficient, and minimize the consumption of media and resources, we contribute to environmental protection and the conservation of natural resources. Sustainable thinking is therefore an important part of everything we do.

The intense efforts of Klean for sustainability are being confirmed as we prepare for the inclusion of Klean in a sustainability index. This index encompasses all companies listed on the Stock Exchange which are leaders in social and ecological sustainability.

The following are some examples of our activities targeted at and contributing to sustainable development in the economic, social, and environmental fields.


  • Klean Products: The “KLEAN TEAM” (TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More) is committed to promoting environmental protection and conservation of natural resources. Due to the standardization of the core processes, all plants, and systems delivered to different Klean customers around the world comply with the highest environmental standards. This is essential as most countries have implemented comprehensive and stringent environmental constraints, such as mandatory environmental impact assessments. The protection of the environment and natural resources are distinct features of many Klean products in all of Klean’s Business Areas.
  • Klean systems comply with the highest environmental standards: Klean not only contributes to the protection of the environment and the careful use of resources with a number of products but also conforms to the highest standards in its operations and processes. One of the symbols for the successful efforts of the company is to practice state-of-the-art protection of the environment, the “Ökoprofit” award is the featured award that we aim to take home in the near future. The ongoing participation in the Ökoprofit external certification program and the goal to win again challenges Klean to continuously improve in the ecological sector.
  • Information Policy and Education: Klean takes pride in its efforts for the environment. Accordingly, an active information policy ensures that communications and dialogues with the authorities, stakeholders, neighboring dwellers, and the general public are based on transparency and trust. One such example is Klean’s information activities published in the Annual Waste Management Report. Also, all aspects of ecology are an integral element of the training and education programs for the Klean staff.


  • Corporate Governance: Klean complies with the Corporate Governance Code of many countries and aims to meet those provisions. It regards the Code as an essential means to implement responsible management and control of Klean.
  • Risk Management: As a globally operating Group, Klean is subject to certain general and industry-specific risks. Klean has made it a priority to leverage measures of active risk management related to the nature of industries and businesses in which the company engages. A management steering committee focuses on the identification of major risks and the implementation of counter-measures if necessary.
  • Quality Management: The Quality Management System practiced at Klean is one of the core elements of our success in many areas. The definition of quality at Klean is not limited to the products but extends to workplace safety and business process management through the implementation of a group-wide ERP/SAP system. The quality of the suppliers is monitored as well. Continuous improvement and optimization in every key area is a core principle for Klean and integrated into the specific continuous goal-setting processes.


  • Health and Safety: Employees’ health and safety at work are major concerns for Klean. The company sets numerous measures for the protection of the staff, not only to maintain the human capital but to live up to the social responsibility vis-à-vis the individual person.
  • Investing in People: Klean knows that all corporate success is based on the people forming the company. Consequently, Human Resources Management is a top priority whereas Klean invests significant funds in the development and wellbeing of employees. A new management training program (“Management Challenge”) has been implemented in the Group with great success. International and local courses offer training in areas like leadership skills, change management, or conflict resolution.

Involvement is another success factor for Klean. Employees are generally encouraged to contribute their knowledge and experience. A challenge for Klean has been the integration of newly acquired companies and / or technologies, so great importance is laid upon measures to integrate leadership staff and employees in such cases. Cooperation with the works councils is another principle for Klean, and all relevant issues are always resolved in close collaboration with the worker representatives. Klean also substantially invests in the attraction of highly qualified personnel, working in cooperation with various universities which is one activity that supports our recruiting efforts.