Supporters Of Keystone XL Outspend Opponents 35 To 1

In 2011, many of the same companies and groups spent heavily to push the administration to approve construction of the proposed project. Forced by Congressional Republicans to rush a decision, President Obama rejected the application last January. The Calgary, Alberta-based TransCanada Corporation vowed to reapply and the lobbying frenzy began anew.
TransCanada’s own $850,000 federal lobbying effort for 2012 was augmented by deep-pocketed allies including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ($94,570,000 in total 2012 lobbying), the Business Roundtable ($13,989,000), the Exxon Mobil Corporation ($12,970,000).
Five labor unions (Laborers’ International Union of North America, the International Union of Operating Engineers, the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, and the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada) spent $1,559,925 in 2012 on overall lobbying, including advocacy for the project — which some labor groups believe would be a “game changer,” creating new jobs for their members.
More surprisingly, the American Jewish Committee (AJC)– which calls itself the “global advocate for the well-being of the Jewish people and for the advancement of democratic values for all” — spent part of its $100,000 lobbying budget in 2012 advocating for the pipeline. Calling energy security “a crucial element of our national security,” the group endorsed the pipeline as “part of short- and medium-term measures aimed at meeting U.S. oil demand.” AJC at least encouraged the U.S. and Canada to “take every measure to reduce the risk” of “environmental hazard.”
Though outspent by more than a 35-to-1 ratio, groups in opposition included environmental groups, the League of Women Voters, the Oglala Sioux Tribe, and the Quaker-affiliated Friends Committee on National Legislation.
The U.S. Department of State continues to review the revised application.
Here is the breakdown of who lobbied for and against Keystone in 2012:
Lobbied For Keystone XL (over $178 million)
Lobbied Against Keystone XL (less than $5 million)
American Concrete Pressure Pipe Association ($35,000)
Advocacy Fund ($250,000)
American Council of Engineering Companies ($2,665,691)
American Rivers ($149,487)
American Exploration & Production Council ($40,000)
EarthJustice Legal Defense Fund ($637,199)
American Foundry Society ($45,000)
Environment America Inc. ($1,929,528)
American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers ($3,714,241)
Friends Committee on National Legislation ($682,379)
American Highway Users Alliance ($120,000)
Friends of the Earth ($18,020)
American Iron and Steel Institute ($482,539)
League of Conservation Voters ($120,000)
American Jewish Committee ($100,000)
League of Women Voters of the U.S. ($168,645)
American Petroleum Institute ($5,170,000)
National Wildlife Federation ($460,000)
American Road & Transportation Builders Association ($165,000)
National Resources Defense Council ($143,231)
Association of Equipment Manufacturers ($1,366,650)
Oglala Sioux Tribe ($30,000)
Associated Equipment Distributors ($320,000)
Sierra Club ($200,000)
Building and Construction Trades Dept. AFL-CIO ($250,000)
Business Roundtable ($13,989,000)
Center for Individual Freedom ($10,000)
Chamber of Commerce of the USA ($94,570,000)
Chevron USA Inc. ($9,550,000)
ConocoPhillips ($1,030,000)
Consumer Energy Alliance ($90,000)
Deere & Company ($1,395,000)
Devon Energy Production Company, L.P. ($1,100,000)
Emerson ($893,100)
Exxon Mobil Corp ($12,970,000)
Heritage Action for America ($160,000)
In Situ Oil Sands Alliance ($410,000)
Independent Petroleum Association of America ($1,224,553)
International Union of Operating Engineers ($480,000)
Laborers’ International Union of North America ($629,925)
Marathon Oil Corporation ($2,380,000)
Marathon Petroleum Corporation ($2,070,000)
National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors ($167,961)
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association ($88,500)
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) ($2,062,000)
National Taxpayers Union ($37,774)
National Association of Manufacturers ($9,170,000)
New England Fuel Institute ($120,000)
North American Die Casting Association ($25,000)
North American Equipment Dealers Association ($108,915)
Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association ($40,000)
Quanta Services ($10,000)
Shell Oil Company ($7,020,000)
Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council (SBE Council) ($275,000)
State of Indiana ($52,000)
State of Indiana, Office of the Governor ($14,000)
Steel Manufacturers Association ($70,000)
Tesoro Companies ($620,978)
Texas Association of Business ($35,000)
TransCanada Pipelines, Ltd ($850,000)
United Association of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipefitting Industry ($80,000)
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America ($120,000)
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