Nokian Tyres joins international research project to enhance recycled Carbon Black

Nokian Tyres has entered into a research agreement for an international project with the aim of enhancing the quality and yield of recycled carbon black derived from end-of-life tires. The objective is to enable greater utilization of recycled carbon black in rubber compounds, providing tire and rubber manufacturers with the opportunity to create more sustainable products.

Carbon black serves as a reinforcing filler in tires, enhancing their physical properties such as strength and resilience. Recycled carbon black can partially replace fossil-based virgin carbon blacks, contributing to a more sustainable approach.

The research project focuses on improving the properties of recycled carbon black to expand its potential applications. Nokian Tyres’ role within the project involves defining the desired properties for the enhanced recycled carbon black and conducting testing on the produced materials.

Heini Siekkinen, Senior Manager of Research and Sustainability at Nokian Tyres, explains the company’s commitment to sustainable tire development and the importance of understanding recycled carbon black. Obtaining large-scale volumes of improved recycled carbon black would allow for testing in tires and comparison with both virgin carbon black and conventional recycled carbon black.

Nokian Tyres took a significant step towards sustainability in 2022 by incorporating recycled carbon black into its commercial product line. This move aligns with the company’s goal of increasing the proportion of recycled and renewable raw materials in tires to 50% by 2030.

Introducing new raw materials into tire manufacturing requires careful consideration to strike the right balance between material selection and tire properties. Extensive product development efforts and testing are necessary to ensure that the use of recycled or renewable materials does not compromise tire safety characteristics.

The two-year development project is coordinated by Windspace Group A/S and receives co-financing from the Danish Eco-Innovation Program. In addition to Nokian Tyres, other participants include Environmental Waste International, Kiso A/S, and the Danish Technological Institute.

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