BlackCycle Breakthrough: Validation of a Bus Tyre Containing Sustainable Carbon Black from Pyrolytic Oil from End-of-Life Tyres

In 2021, the BlackCycle project already announced the creation of the first sustainable carbon black (s-CB) made from end-of-life tyres pyrolitic oil at a lab scale. That Sustainable Carbon Black gave the same rubber properties as the conventional version using fossil feedstock.

In 2022, the BlackCycle project went a step forward by producing the first sustainable carbon black from pyrolitic oil produced with used tyres at a scale of several tons.

This sustainable S-Carbon Black technology has been successfully introduced along with others new sustainable technologies into a Michelin bus tire to achieve a sustainable rate of 58%.

More specifically, in 2022, the s-CB was introduced into the tread of a Michelin bus tire and replaced 100% of the conventional (fossil) carbon black.

As a reminder, the tread is part of the tyre in contact with the road. It plays a key role in the tyre’s wear, safety and rolling resistance.

This tyre has been approved for road use based on a series of extensive performance tests.

For more information on Blackcycle, please visit the website » GO.

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