USTMA's 2023 End-of-Life Tire Management Report
The U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association released our 16th End-of-Life Tire Management Report on October 24, 2024. This biannual report highlights the latest market insights, trends, and opportunities for advancing sustainable and circular end-use markets.
USTMA members share a common vision of sustainability which includes: Promoting tire safety; advancing worker safety; reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout a tire’s useful life; improving environmental footprints over time; minimizing the health, and ecological impacts of tire materials; and ensuring end-of-life tires enter sustainable markets.
Specifically, USTMA members share the goal that all ELTs enter sustainable and circular end-use markets. Our 2023 End-of-Life Tire Market Summary Report measures our progress toward meeting our sustainability vision.
By the Numbers: The 2023 End-of-Life Tires Management Report
- 79%ELTs consumed by end-use markets
- 10.5% increase in overall utilization of ELTs
2023 End Use Rates for Common Materials
End-of-life tires remain one of the most recycled and reclaimed consumer products with 79% going to beneficial end use markets. ELTs are recycled and reclaimed more than metal, glass, aluminum, plastic, and paper.

U.S. ELT Disposition 2023
Recycling end-of-life tires into ground rubber consumed about 28% of end-of-life tires. A large variety of smaller markets that were combined for this report consumed 14% of end-of-life tires. Moreover, the largest market for end-of-life tires returned to Tire Derived Fuel (TDF) in 2023 with a nearly 11% increase in the TDF market.

Rubber Modified Asphalt (RMA)
Since 2021, Rubber Modified Asphalt, a key use of ground rubber, has consumed 165,000 tons of ELTs, representing a 17% increase. This significant growth underscores RMA as a cost-effective, durable solution for U.S. infrastructure.
U.S. Ground Rubber Market Distribution 2015 - 2023
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