The Real World Cancun

Almost one week into the UNFCCC’s annual climate summit, the 16th Conference of Parties (COP16) looks less like a drama filled reality show (ala Copenhagen) and more like… well, reality.
A review of recent COP16 coverage reveals what Guardian reporters refer to as the “delicately balanced global climate talks.” Unfortunately, this rosy détente might be a sad indicator of COP-wide resignation over negotiators’ inability to secure a legally binding post-2012 agreement in the near term.
Strained relations could indeed be returning to the house, as yesterday
And who can resist the
Still, participants like the
In fact, the majority (67%) of V-Carbon readers polled in our last issue believe that consensus around MRV is one of the most likely outcomes of the Cancun talks. See this issue’s V-Carbon sidebar poll for more info. Also, follow Ecosystem Marketplace at Cancun through our
Even as Cancun talks swamp the media, the cameras are still rolling on the voluntary carbon set. This issue of V-Carbon news recounts recent news that both the North Dakota Farmers Union and Agragate Climate Credits Corporation will be
At the same time, third party standards like the American Carbon Registry and Voluntary Carbon Standard have aired some exciting news about AFOLU methodologies and mechanisms, including ACR’s
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