Residential Combined Heat and Power

Combustion Engines, Fuel Cells, Stirling Engines, and Organic Rankine Cycle
Residential combined heat and power (resCHP) systems, which are small distributed energy generation systems that produce electricity while also capturing heat that would otherwise be treated as waste, are garnering increased interest from policy makers, utilities, and homeowners in a growing number of countries. Distributed generation installations have the advantages of going online more quickly than traditional large centralized power stations, reducing demand pressure on the electrical grid, and reducing inefficiencies that are common in centralized power generation, transmission, and distribution. Installations that use CHP technologies have the additional benefit of producing thermal energy that can be used as heat, converted to electricity, or converted to cooling when coupled with an adsorption chiller.
The technologies behind many resCHP products have been under development for more than a decade, however the market is now beginning to gain momentum and an increasing number of companies are introducing commercial products. Driven by concerns about grid reliability, meeting growing demand for electricity, increasing grid efficiency, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, governments around the world are also focused on increasing subsidies and other incentives for the adoption of resCHP systems.
This Pike Research report analyzes the global market potential for resCHP systems for single-family and multi-family homes using technologies including internal combustion engines, fuel cells, Stirling engines, and Organic Rankine Cycle. The study includes in-depth assessments of leading countries for the manufacture and adoption of resCHP systems, the technologies utilized in such systems, and the key industry players engaged in this market. Regional market forecasts are provided through 2022 for system shipments, installed capacity, and revenue.
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