New Call for Clean Technology Funding Applications Announced by SDTC

SDTC encourages the submission of technology solutions designed to improve sustainability for all Canadian economic sectors. SDTC is actively seeking applications for technologies that provide clean water and clean soil solutions, and continues to look for technology solutions related to clean air and climate change. Of greatest interest are those solutions that integrate benefits which address more than one focus area.
“With an increasingly competitive global clean-tech market, technologies that effectively demonstrate their ability to solve specific business and environmental concerns often stand the greatest chance of success,” said Vicky J. Sharpe, President and CEO of SDTC. “Nonetheless, broad-spectrum solutions will also be considered as these too are of great interest to Canadians and the Canadian business community.”
SDTC also recently released the first in a series of reports – Renewable Electricity Generation ‘SD Business Case’(tm) – which identifies specific investment priority areas, including biofuels, wind, solar power, and stationary fuel cells. As such, SDTC is also actively seeking applications for solutions focusing in these areas. To read the report go to click here.
SDTC continues to welcome a broad range of technological applications from a wide array of economic sectors. To date, SDTC has allocated $217 million to 97 clean technology projects. An additional $560 million has been leveraged from project consortia members, for a total portfolio value of $777 million
In the nine preceding calls for SOIs since April 2002, SDTC has received 1170 submissions from more than 2,900 companies and organizations, representing $9.7 billion of clean technology project potential.
This initial application submission is designed to provide SDTC with a sense of the proposed technologies for preliminary screening. These applications are subject to a competitive process evaluated by SDTC and a panel of independent experts to ensure adherence to selection criteria that include capabilities in technology, marketing and business (partnerships and funding). Selected applicants will be invited to submit a detailed, full proposal at a later date for consideration toward funding.
For further information about SDTC’s funding process and application request, please visit Applicants may also go directly to the online SOI application system, at click here.
SDTC holds two rounds of funding each year, beginning with SOIs in January and August. The next call for SOIs will be on January 24, 2007.
About SDTC
Sustainable Development Technology Canada is a foundation created by the Government of Canada that operates a $550 million fund to support the development and demonstration of clean technologies — solutions that address issues of clean air, climate change, clean water, and clean soil to deliver environmental, economic and health benefits to Canadians.
An arm’s length, not-for-profit corporation, SDTC fills the void in the innovation chain between research and commercialization — helping clean technology developers move through the development and demonstration phases, in preparation for commercialization. SDTC applies a stringent due diligence process when selecting technologies and requires every applicant to involve a consortium of partners in their project.
SDTC encourages collaboration among private, financial, academic, public sector partners and with the Canadian government to build a sustainable development infrastructure in Canada.
For more information, please contact:
Media Relations:
Andrée Mongeon
Director of Communications
Sustainable Development Technology Canada
Tel: 613.234-6313 ext. 224
Application Process:
Sheila Schindel
Manager, Applications
Sustainable Development Technology Canada
Tel: 613.234-6313 ext. 232
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