Standard plant design and serial production offer considerable cost reduction potential. In Klean Industries' plants, most of the process equipment is delivered in the form of standardized pre-engineered modules. Instead of delivering all the process parts to the site and assembling them there, the main components are brought in as pre-assembled factory-tested units. This ensures better quality control and faster delivery time.
Modularization transfers work from the site to the factory, which cuts the installation time on site by half. The assembly of modular units is fast and efficient, and the work proceeds more predictably and flexibly.
Standardization & modularization enable:
On each of our projects, Klean Industries serves as the general contractor, subcontracting as much as possible to local contractors in the project area. Klean Industries' design group prepares multiple, specific bid packages for each phase of construction. Since no two design and engineering projects are ever the same, the specific bid package is entirely customized in accordance with the exact specifications of the project. In this management scenario, we can truly act as the customer's representative on the construction site, demanding high quality from our subcontractors. This construction execution methodology effectively eliminates conflicts of interest generally associated with design/build.
We see construction management as a vital part of a total solution. We purchase all of the specialty equipment, perform the design engineering, and place experienced professionals on-site who can manage the construction of the facility. We then recruit and utilize the very best skilled and productive craftspeople in a given project area. Klean Industries' project execution approach is focused on tapping an existing productive and strong local talent resource.
While on-site, our field staff is responsible for all construction trade subcontractors and the implementation of Klean's construction quality-control and safety procedures, assuring construction compliance with Klean Industries' and vendor design drawings and specifications.
After the award of contracts for trade subcontractors, the field construction staff is responsible for the day-to-day management, supervision, and administration of all trade subcontractors. Our on-site field staff is augmented as required to ensure high-quality installation by frequent visits from our project manager and engineering department members. These visits close the loop on the project by ensuring that the installation is being performed according to the intent of the design as well as providing valuable feedback on design features so improvements can be made on future projects
Specifically, Klean's field construction staff is responsible for the following during the construction phase: | |
We support our client’s through our quoting and project development by providing a wealth of information and specifications about Klean Industries systems and technologies.
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