Klean advisors are business leaders comprising various legal, regulatory, financial, engineering, and technical experts with in-depth knowledge of waste, energy, and environmental issues related to the industries we serve. The Advisor Team provides the KleanTeam with valuable insight and advice into important aspects of technology implementation and the business of converting waste and biomass into clean energy, fuels, chemicals, and other high-grade commodities. The Advisory Team is there to provide Klean's management team with assessments and consultations of Klean's approach to technology discovery, development, and deployment.

The Advisory Team is designed to review technology applications, acquisitions, deployment of technologies, regulator climate changes, R&D developments, and the directions being pursued by the company while providing strategic feedback on opportunities to enhance Klean's technical and market position. Individual members consult with Klean on particular aspects of the business.

In addition, the group provides Klean with insight into a wide range of other issues relating to the circular economy, developing and creating sustainable development along today's and tomorrow's value chain. We create a symbiosis between waste, resources, and energy. Klean's advisors understand the importance of creating a symbiosis between waste, resources, and energy, and that there must be a link between the low carbon, circular economy, and the goal of zero waste to landfill.

  • Jonathan Stone: Independent Financial Advisor Capital Markets & Financing Advisor
  • David Abdallah: Abdallah Consulting LLC Senior Strategic Advisor rCB Sales
  • Hector MacKay-Dunn, KC: Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy - Partner Primary Corporate Legal Advisor
  • Stephen Inouye: Strategic Financial Guidance Accounting & Management Consultant
  • Kevin Levey: Squire Patton Boggs - Partner Project Finance Advisor - USA
  • David Ponsford: Teacher Stern - Partner Primary Legal Advisor - Europe
  • Natalia Mainprize: Venture Intelligence Institute - Partner Financial Consultant
  • Dr. Paul Williams: University of Leeds - Professor of Environmental Engineering Chemistry & Process Engineering Consultant