The Klean Team Board of Directors is steering the company into a bright future. Our member-elected Board of Directors works hard to represent the best interests of our shareholders. Our board of directors believes that it is important to have regular and constructive engagement directly with shareholders to allow and encourage shareholders to express their views on governance and other matters directly to the board outside of the annual meeting. The board also encourages shareholders to participate in our annual meetings and to contact our independent directors through the office of the Chairman.

The Board has extensive experience in both building and running companies of all shapes and sizes. Klean Industries currently has a five-member Board of Directors that sets high standards for the company's employees, officers, and directors.

Implicit in this philosophy is the importance of sound corporate governance and responsibility. It is the duty of the Board to serve as a prudent fiduciary for shareholders and to oversee the management of the company's business. 

  • James Klinkhamer Chairman & Chief Logistics Officer
  • Jesse Klinkhamer Chief Executive Officer & Founder
  • Rainer Dippold Director of Engineering
  • Judi Morris Director of Administration
  • Marc Schwarzlose Director of Project Development