Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission Investigates Recycling

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission ( MACC ) is investigating alleged corruption that has allowed illegal tyre and plastic recycling in Telok Gong, Port Klang

The MACC is in the process of inspecting local authorities and how the population of Telok Gong have been exposed to pollution and chemical aromas from the tyre and plastics recycling factories in the area.

It is alleged that the majority of these operations are carried out illegally and with minimum environmental protections.

MACC Intelligence Division Director Datuk Zainul Darus had been directed to investigate claims of illegal operations and claims of corruption in the local authorities for Port Klang

In another investigation, MACC is looking at a syndicate allegedly supplying “subsidised” diesel to the local market in Port Klang.  This is the second such investigation in the area.

The investigations may, or may not be connected, but pyrolysis of tyres and plastics can create diesel fuel that if from unregulated producers, will be outside the tax system.

Time perhaps for the Malaysian authorities to fully address the issue of tyre recycling in one of the world’s largest rubber-producing economies.

Learn how Klean Industries is solving corruption in the waste recycling sector with the Klean Loop » GO.

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