An EIA study of 187 public energy companies showed that cash flow from operations for the group in 2022 increased to $810bn
Key findings for 2022
- Brent crude oil daily prices averaged $99.04 per barrel in 2022—40% higher than in 2021.
- In this study of 187 companies, combined petroleum liquids production decreased less than 1% in 2022 from 2021, and natural gas production increased 4%.
- Cash from operations increased to $810 billion in 2022, the most for any year in the 2013–22 period.
- Finding plus lifting costs increased 19% from 2021 to 2022.
- The energy companies reduced net debt by $117 billion in 2022. They increased net share repurchases by $95 billion in 2022, the most for any year in the 2013–22 period.
- Most refiners’ earnings per barrel processed increased substantially in 2022.
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